How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter

How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter?

Need for speed on your electric scooter? We’ve got you covered!

In this article, we’ll spill the beans on how to remove that pesky speed limiter that’s been holding you back.

But buckle up, because we’re about to take you on an exhilarating ride full of tips, tricks, and a few surprises along the way.

Ready to unleash the full potential of your scooter? Let’s dive in!

Here are 8 Tips for How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter.

Unplug the Speed Limiting Wire (Most Common Tip)

One of the most common methods to bypass the speed limiter on electric scooters is by unplugging the speed limiting wire.

This wire acts as a governor, restricting your scooter’s maximum speed to comply with local regulations or safety standards.

By disconnecting this wire, you can unleash the full power of your electric scooter.

To perform this modification, you’ll need basic tools such as a screwdriver and wire cutters.

Begin by locating the speed limiting wire, which is usually connected to the controller or throttle.

Carefully remove any panels or covers that may be obstructing your access. Once you’ve exposed the wire, use your wire cutters to sever the connection.

It’s essential to exercise caution and follow the proper safety precautions during this process.

The Switch Method

Another method to remove the speed limiter involves installing a switch that allows you to toggle between limited and unlimited speed modes.

This method provides the convenience of switching between different speed settings, depending on your needs or riding conditions.

To begin, identify the wires connected to the speed limiter on your electric scooter. You’ll need to install a switch in line with these wires.

Choose a high-quality switch that can handle the current flow of your scooter’s system.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to correctly install the switch, ensuring that it functions smoothly and securely.

Once the switch is properly installed, you can now control the speed limiter with a simple flip.

When the switch is in the “limited speed” position, the speed limiter remains active, complying with local regulations.

But when you switch to the “unlimited speed” position, you’ll experience the exhilaration of unrestricted speed.

Hard Reset the Controller’s Software

If the previous methods don’t work or aren’t suitable for your scooter model, you can attempt a hard reset of the controller’s software.

This method may vary depending on the brand and model of your electric scooter, so it’s crucial to consult your scooter’s user manual or the manufacturer’s website for specific instructions.

Generally, a hard reset involves turning off the scooter and disconnecting the battery.

Leave it disconnected for a few minutes to ensure a complete power drain.

Then, reconnect the battery and power on the scooter.

This reset can sometimes clear any stored data or settings, including the speed limiter, allowing your scooter to operate without restrictions.

Switch to Sport Mode

If you’re looking to take your electric scooter to the next level, switching to sport mode might be just what you need.

Many electric scooters come with different riding modes, including a sport mode that offers a more exhilarating and faster riding experience.

By activating sport mode, you can bypass the speed limiter and enjoy a boost in speed and performance.

To switch to sport mode, consult your scooter’s user manual or the manufacturer’s instructions.

The process may involve accessing the scooter’s settings or using a specific combination of buttons or controls.

Once you’ve activated sport mode, you’ll notice a significant difference in acceleration and top speed.

Keep in mind that riding in sport mode may drain the battery faster, so be sure to monitor your battery levels during your rides.

Swap the Electric Components

For those who are technically inclined and eager to push the boundaries of their electric scooter’s speed limitations, swapping the electric components can be an effective method.

This approach involves replacing certain parts of your scooter’s electrical system with higher-performance alternatives.

One crucial component to consider swapping is the electric motor.

By upgrading to a more powerful DC-type driving motor, you can enhance your scooter’s speed and overall performance.

DC-type motors are known for their efficiency and ability to generate higher torque, resulting in increased speed capabilities.

Before attempting to swap any electric components, thoroughly research and ensure compatibility between the new components and your scooter model.

Seek professional assistance if needed to avoid damaging your scooter or compromising your safety.

Remember to handle electrical components with care and follow proper installation procedures to maintain the integrity of your scooter’s electrical system.

DC-type Driving Motor

The driving motor plays a vital role in determining the speed and performance of your electric scooter.

When it comes to upgrading your motor, opting for a DC-type driving motor can make a substantial difference in unlocking higher speeds.

DC-type driving motors are known for their efficiency and durability, making them popular choices for electric scooter enthusiasts looking for enhanced performance.

These motors typically offer higher power output, allowing for faster acceleration and higher top speeds.

Additionally, DC motors often provide smoother operation and better control, enhancing your overall riding experience.

When considering a DC-type driving motor upgrade, consult with reputable scooter parts suppliers or manufacturers who specialize in high-performance components.

They can guide you in selecting the right motor for your scooter model and provide installation instructions or recommendations.

Modifying Firmware

For advanced users who are comfortable with technical modifications, modifying the firmware of your electric scooter can provide a way to override the speed limiter.

Firmware refers to the software that controls the operation of your scooter’s electronic components.

By making changes to the firmware, you can potentially increase the speed limits set by the manufacturer.

Modifying firmware requires a deep understanding of programming and the specific firmware used in your scooter.

It’s essential to note that altering the firmware can void your warranty and may have legal implications, depending on local regulations.

If you decide to pursue this method, thorough research and caution are crucial.

To modify firmware, you’ll typically need to access the scooter’s internal electronics, connect it to a computer, and use specialized software tools designed for firmware modification.

This process allows you to adjust various settings, including speed limits, acceleration curves, and power output.

However, proceed with caution, as incorrect modifications can damage your scooter or render it inoperable.

Upgrading the Battery

Another way to potentially bypass the speed limiter on your electric scooter is by upgrading the battery.

A more powerful battery can deliver higher voltage and current to the motor, resulting in increased speed and performance.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are commonly used in electric scooters due to their high energy density and ability to deliver sustained power.

Upgrading to a higher-capacity or higher-voltage battery can provide a significant boost in performance.

Before upgrading the battery, ensure compatibility with your scooter’s electrical system and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or user manual.

It’s important to choose a battery with the correct voltage, capacity, and dimensions that fit your scooter’s battery compartment.

Improper installation or incompatible batteries can damage your scooter’s electrical system or pose a safety risk.

Consider seeking professional assistance or guidance from reputable scooter battery suppliers to ensure a smooth upgrade process.

They can recommend suitable battery options and provide instructions for installation and any necessary modifications to accommodate the new battery.

You can follow these 3 methods also for Removing the Speed Limiter

Override the Speed Limiter via the Settings Menu

Some electric scooters have a settings menu that allows users to customize various parameters, including the speed limit.

By accessing the settings menu, you may be able to override or increase the predefined speed limit set by the manufacturer.

To override the speed limiter via the settings menu, refer to your scooter’s user manual or manufacturer’s instructions.

The process may involve pressing specific button combinations, navigating through a digital display, or connecting to a companion smartphone app.

Once you access the settings menu, locate the speed limit parameter and adjust it according to your desired speed.

Keep in mind that overriding the speed limiter may have implications for your scooter’s warranty, legal compliance, and safety.

It’s important to ride responsibly and within the limits allowed by local laws and regulations.

Remove the Speed Limiter by Physically Modifying the Controller

Another method to remove the speed limiter on your electric scooter is by physically modifying the controller.

The controller is the central component that regulates the scooter’s speed and performance.

By making specific adjustments to the controller, you may be able to bypass or disable the speed limiter.

Modifying the controller requires technical expertise and an understanding of the scooter’s electrical system.

It involves accessing the controller, identifying the components related to speed limiting, and making alterations to remove or bypass the restrictions.

Please note that physically modifying the controller can be challenging and may void your warranty.

Additionally, it may have legal implications depending on local regulations.

It’s crucial to proceed with caution and consider seeking professional assistance or guidance from experienced individuals or specialized scooter modification services.

Remove the Speed Limiter by Replacing

If you’re unable to remove or bypass the speed limiter using the methods mentioned earlier, another option is to replace the scooter’s components entirely.

This method involves swapping out the existing components with new ones that do not have built-in speed limitations.

Replacing components can include upgrading the motor, controller, or other relevant parts with aftermarket or higher-performance alternatives.

These components are designed to provide greater speed and power, allowing you to surpass the limitations set by the original equipment.

Before replacing any components, research and ensure compatibility with your scooter’s model and specifications.

Consider consulting experts, reviewing user forums, or seeking advice from scooter modification enthusiasts to identify suitable replacement options and understand the potential implications.

Remember that replacing components may require technical knowledge and skills.

If you’re not confident in performing the replacements yourself, it’s recommended to seek assistance from professionals who specialize in scooter modifications to ensure proper installation and optimal performance.

Keep in mind that modifying or replacing components can impact your scooter’s overall functionality, safety, and warranty.

It’s important to weigh the potential risks and benefits, adhere to local laws and regulations, and prioritize safety while enjoying the enhanced speed and performance of your electric scooter.

Watch Video: How to Remove Speed Limiter on Electric Scooter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is it easy to remove a speed limiter?

    Removing a speed limiter can vary in difficulty depending on the scooter model. Some methods, like changing settings or using an override menu, are simpler, while physically modifying components may require technical expertise or professional assistance.

  2. How does a scooter speed limiter work?

    A scooter speed limiter typically functions by regulating the power output to the motor, limiting the maximum speed the scooter can reach. It achieves this by monitoring and controlling factors such as voltage, current, and motor RPM to ensure a safe and regulated riding experience.

  3. Can you unlock the speed on an electric scooter?

    In some cases, it is possible to unlock the speed on an electric scooter. However, it’s important to note that modifying or removing the speed limiter may have legal implications, void the warranty, and compromise safety. Always check local regulations and consider the potential risks before attempting to unlock the speed.

  4. Can you adjust the speed limiter?

    While it may not be possible to directly adjust the speed limiter on all electric scooters, some models offer adjustable speed settings through built-in controls or companion mobile apps. These settings allow you to customize the maximum speed within predetermined limits, providing some flexibility while still adhering to safety guidelines.

  5. How do you remove a limiter from a scooter?

    Removing a limiter from a scooter typically involves different methods depending on the scooter’s make and model. Some options include modifying firmware, replacing components, physically altering the controller, or seeking professional assistance. It’s crucial to research specific instructions or consult with experts to ensure proper and safe removal procedures are followed.


Removing the speed limiter on your electric scooter can provide an exhilarating experience, but it comes with risks and considerations.

Whether through physical modifications, firmware changes, or component upgrades, always prioritize safety, adhere to local regulations, and make informed decisions.

Remember to balance speed with responsible riding to ensure an enjoyable and secure scooter journey.

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